Following the case of Adrien Oberle (C-20/17), the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled a judgment on the interpretation of article 4 of the European Succession Regulation, which states that the courts of the Member State in which a European citizen resides at the time of death have jurisdiction to rule on his or her whole succession.
In the case subject to judgment, Adrien Oberle who was a French citizen and resided in France at the time of his death also had properties in Germany and his heirs requested German courts to issue a German certificate of succession for the German assets. After appealing to the Court of Justice of the European Union, the German courts had to refuse the request as per Article 4 of the Regulation. According to the judgement of the Court, national certificates of succession cannot be issued any longer in the context of successions with cross-border implications where the Member State concerned has no jurisdiction under the Regulation.